Literature Poetry


Efadul Huq

This poem is an act of mourning, remembering, and grieving a loved one taken by the pandemic.


Setareh Ghoreishi

In “Baggage,” I struggle with my baggage, all that I carry with me from home. Every day I carry my memories of Iran with me–with all the emotions and thoughts that brings. This performance shows the complexity inherent in both leaving and staying.

Buried Waters

Efadul Huq

Efadul Huq’s visual poem revisits journeys along Dhaka’s besieged rivers, where the silent struggle against land developers echoes through cracked lines traced from memories captured on the banks of Turag.


Agléška Cohen-Rencountre
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An original work written and performed by Agléška Cohen-Rencountre (Lower Brule Sioux Tribe).

The Octagon

Ghadeer Alkhenaizi and Sara Musaifer

Our story began with a conversation between two friends, Ghadeer and Sara, walking back to the university library after a quick dinner in Dinkytown on a cold evening in December 2017. Fueled by the crisp air that filled our lungs, our feet rushed through crowded pavements and across busy streets, making their way through a fog of breath exhaled by warm bodies and buildings. Soon enough, our minds wandered away in denial, escaping the painful one mile walk under the cloak of another harsh Minneapolitan winter. Naturally, we both started thinking of home: Bahrain, or should we say: Bahrains?

Silence | CHUP

Fawad Khan

English translation of the script of CHUP | Silence by Fawad Khan.

Basic Demographic Questions

Suzanne Chew

Suzanne Chew’s poem grapples with the question of a “good interview” and the extractive nature of traditional academic research.


Ahmed K. Ali

Original poetry and artwork by Ahmed K. Ali.


Sarah Almeida, Matheus Caetano, Raquel Chaves, and Josinelma Rolande

An original poem by Sarah Almeida, Matheus Caetano, Raquel Chaves, and Josinelma Rolande.

I am not your data

Abhay Xaxa, with a translation by Antonádia Borges
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The poem “I am not your data” by Abhay Xaxa. Translated to “Não sou seu dado” by A. Borges.

Healthy Living

Jordan Starck

This set of companion poems agitates the dominant narratives that, for marginalized peoples, silent compliance will best secure their safety and wellbeing.

New Gaza

Marwan Makhoul and various translators

Marwan Makhoul’s poem ‘New Gaza’ with translations in various languages that have been organized by a transnational solidarity effort.


Ather Zia

A short story by Ather Zia set in Indian-occupied Kashmir where the Indian army routinely disappears Kashmiri men.

इंतिफ़ादा | Intifada | انتفادہ

अशोक कुमार पाण्डेय | Ashok Kumar Pandey

This poem by Ashok Kumar Pandey mediates on how hope and resistance stubbornly persists in Palestine.
English translation by Richa Nagar & Medha Muskan.
Transliteration in Nastaliq by Abdul Aijaz & Gwendolyn Kirk.