NAPM Yuva Samvad: Young People’s Political Persecution and Resistance | NAPM युवा संवाद: युवाओं का राजनीतिक उत्पीड़न और प्रतिरोध

August 7, 2021

This article is a summary of the National Alliance of People’s Movements‘ month-long campaign on ‘Young People’s Political Persecution and Resistance’ that took place in July 2021. This summary was originally published on NAPM Yuva Samvad:Towards Deepening Dialogues, Diversity and Democratic Values. In solidarity with all comrades facing political persecution and remembering human rights defender…

Sci-Fi as Accessible Movement Building: A Review of Larissa Lai’s “The Tiger Flu”

July 27, 2021

by Chloe Dunston The Tiger Flu is set in the year 2145, which author Larissa Lai depicts as a “time after oil” divided by factions, gender, disease, and technology. After years of greedy leadership, environmental degradation, and the exhaustion of fossil fuels, Saltwater City and its outskirts stand alone in what was formerly Vancouver, Canada.…

Black Men’s Stories, By Peter London Global Dance Company

July 20, 2021

with commentary from Terrence Pride Upon the backs of our ancestors we journey forward, as the light and fire they held for us expands into a greater present and still greater future.  We must not let them down! Remember the tremendous brutality of mind, body, and spirit, they endured, that which still continues. Honor and…

Progressive South Asians Solidarity Statement for Bangladesh’s Student Protesters

July 21, 2024

21 July 2024 Progressive South Asians stand in solidarity with Bangladesh’s students who are protesting the quota system. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Bangladeshi government’s violent response to these peaceful protests, the communication blackout, and the ongoing curfew. The government’s repression has led to state forces murdering at least over 100 protesters in total as of…

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Academics Denounce Attempts to Shut Down the People’s Water Forum 2024 in Bali, Indonesia

May 20, 2024

20th May, 2024 Latest Alert: People’s Water Forum in Bali Intimidated and Forced to Disband: Repeated Practice of Silencing Freedom of Opinion at the Momentum of International Forums [Read the statement in Bahasa Indonesia and Spanish here. List of signatories are also included.] We, the undersigned, are writing to denounce recent efforts to suppress the…

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Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with Palestinian people

March 23, 2024

By Ukraine-Palestine Solidarity Group We, Ukrainian researchers, artists, political and labour activists, members of civil society stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine who for 75 years have been subjected and resisted Israeli military occupation, separation, settler colonial violence, ethnic cleansing, land dispossession and apartheid. We write this letter as people to people. The dominant discourse on the governmental…

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AGITATE!'s First Digital Book

War News
A Collection of 90 Poems
By Beau Beausoleil

Cover image of War News. White text on a black and red background.

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Read on AGITATE!

Seditious Acts: Being in, But Not of, the Neoliberal University

By José Manuel Santillana Blanco, Kidiocus King-Carroll, Naimah Zulmadelle Pétigny, and Kong Pheng Pha

Introducing ‘Seditious Acts’: AGITATE! Special Volume with CRES

By AGITATE! Editorial Collective

I Have Been to the Future — We Won

By Simi Kang

Building Relations, Critical University Studies and Student Activism: A Conversation with Roderick A. Ferguson

By Kong Pheng Pha & José Manuel Santillana Blanco, with Roderick A. Ferguson

Brownness and Being in the Twenty-First Century

By Joy Mazahreh

Three Poems for Palestine by Faiz Ahmad Faiz

By Gwendolyn S. Kirk

Where is the Moral Fortitude of the University’s Leader? Palestinian Rights are Human Rights

By Nadia Aruri

Introduction to Section One: Infractions

By Richa Nagar

“Did they drag you here?”: Challenges of Existing as an International Student in the United States

By Ana Cláudia dos Santos São Bernardo

Seditious Intuition: Functional Containers and Bodies of Engagement

By William Amado Syldor-Severino

Violent Invisibilities: The Battle for Hmong and Southeast Asian American Legibility in Higher Education

By Kong Pheng Pha, Kaochi Pha, and Dee Pha

Introduction to Section Two: Transgressions

By Edén Torres

Moving Toward Transitional Pedagogies: The Second Sight of Graduate Students of Color in the Neoliberal University

By Ezekiel Joubert III

Toward a Marginal Understanding of Object Being in the Neoliberal University

By Emily Mitamura

A Cold Place: Notes on Antiblackness and the Neoliberal University

By Kidiocus King-Carroll

Introduction to Section Three: Insurgencies

By Rose M. Brewer

Unruly Subjects: On Student Activism, the Neoliberal University, and Infiltration

By José Manuel Santillana Blanco

Razing the Anti-Ebony Tower: An Academic ‘Grammar Book’

By Rahsaan Mahadeo

Within and Without the Settler University: Reflections on Decolonization, Spirituality and Research as Ceremony

By Marcelo Garzo Montalvo

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