
Within and Without the Settler University: Reflections on Decolonization, Spirituality and Research as Ceremony

This essay asks us to consider how the neoliberal university is always already a settler university and the ways in which indigenous ways of knowing can help us we reimagine education as a process of unlearning settler modernity.

Razing the Anti-Ebony Tower: An Academic ‘Grammar Book’

This essay rejects the notion that for negatively-racialized students learning, laboring, and living in the anti-ebony tower is a privilege.

Unruly Subjects: On Student Activism, the Neoliberal University, and Infiltration

This essay explores the (im)possibilities that students of color and indigenous students have in resisting the Neoliberal University that operates as an institution of power and knowledge production predicated on white supremacy, settler colonialism, and global capitalism.

Introduction to Section Three: Insurgencies

This introduction to section three—Insurgencies—locates the essays in this section within the rich history of the Civil Rights Movement, emergence of Black Studies, and students of color-led radical struggles against capitalism, racism, and neoliberalism in higher education.

A Cold Place: Notes on Antiblackness and the Neoliberal University

A set of notes or jottings that are autobiographical, analytical, historical, and deliberately incomplete, but articulate King-Carroll's understanding of the University and the world that surrounds it as an antiblack, neoliberal space that Black graduate students must exist in a fugitive relationship to.

Toward a Marginal Understanding of Object Being in the Neoliberal University

This piece offers a series of joined meditations on violences of the neoliberal university through conceptions of object-being, romance, imagination, and newness.

Moving Toward Transitional Pedagogies: The Second Sight of Graduate Students of Color in the Neoliberal University

This essay proposes transitional pedagogy as a methodology for scholars of color in neoliberal academia.

Introduction to Section Two: Transgressions

This introduction to section two—Transgressions—reflects on what has changed and what has remained the same in the neoliberal university, especially for students of color, over the past several decades and shows how the essays in this section contend with these histories and politics.

Violent Invisibilities: The Battle for Hmong and Southeast Asian American Legibility in Higher Education

Hmong American scholars reflect on ongoing violent systems of racial inconspicuousness that Hmong and Southeast Asian American students continue to experience in the neoliberal and corporate university.

Seditious Intuition: Functional Containers and Bodies of Engagement

This essay proposes alternate frameworks for engaging in sedition in the neoliberal university.

“Did they drag you here?”: Challenges of Existing as an International Student in the United States

Drawing on higher education experiences in Brazil and as an international student of color in the U.S. neoliberal university, Santos São Bernardo writes of the expectation of gratitude and thankfulness placed on international students and what it means to reject it.

Introduction to Section One: Infractions

 This introduction to section one—Infractions—reflects on how essays in the section ask us to witness violent acts committed by institutions of higher learning in the U.S. and how the authors agitate to reorganize and recast this unjust terrain.

Three Poems for Palestine by Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Translations of three poems by acclaimed Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz written in solidarity with Palestine.

Brownness and Being in the Twenty-First Century

Joy Mazahreh writes about what it mean to be Palestinian and Brown, and bear witness to the death and devastation of her homeland.

Building Relations, Critical University Studies and Student Activism: A Conversation with Roderick A. Ferguson

Kong Pheng Pha and José Manuel Santillana Blanco speak to Roderick A. Ferguson about the backlash against critical race and ethnic studies in higher education and emergent modes of student resistance.

I Have Been to the Future — We Won

Artwork and Artist's Statement

Introducing ‘Seditious Acts’: AGITATE! Special Volume with CRES

Editorial by the AGITATE! Editorial Collective reflects on the journey of co-creating this volume with CRES.

Seditious Acts: Being in, But Not of, the Neoliberal University

This introduction to the volume by the editors trace the racial history of U.S. higher education and the students of color led movements that have led to the current moment of protests against the neoliberal university.