Emily Mitamura


Emily Mitamura is a poet and scholar of race, gender, and film. She is currently the Shauna M. Stark Pembroke Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender Studies at Brown University. They received their PhD in political theory at the University of Minnesota, working closely with Gender, Women, Sexuality Studies, Asian American Studies, and the Critical Race and…

Ana Cláudia São Bernardo


Ana Cláudia São Bernardo (she, her, hers) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Studies at Providence College. In 2020-2021 she held the position of Zemurray-Stone postdoctoral fellow in Brazilian Studies at the Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University. She has an MA and PhD in Lusophone Literatures,…

Ezekiel Joubert III


Ezekiel Joubert III is an Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations in the Division of Advanced and Applied Studies at California State University-Los Angeles. His research, scholarship, and writing focus on the intersections of racial capitalism and Black education, educational inequality in Black rural communities in Midwest, Black organic intellectual thought and activism, and ethnic studies…

Kong Pheng Pha


Kong Pheng Pha (he/him/his) was born in Ban Vinai refugee camp in northeastern Thailand after his family was forcibly displaced at the end of the United States’ “secret war” in Laos. He has lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota most of his life. He spent over a decade as a student at the University of Minnesota,…

Kaochi Pha


Kaochi Pha (she/her) is a proud daughter of Hmong refugees. From a young age, she experienced the harsh realities growing up second-generation American while simultaneously navigating her identity as a Hmong woman. This shaped her political and social consciousness and led to her aspiration of supporting underrepresented communities professionally. She has worked in a variety…

Kidiocus King-Carroll


Kidiocus King-Carroll is an Assistant Professor of African & African Diaspora Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. King-Carroll received a PhD in American Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He is a member of the Black Midwest Initiative. His scholarship and writing has appeared in Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, the Gender…

José Manuel Santillana Blanco


José Manuel Santillana Blanco is a queer feminist scholar, community organizer and storyteller. As a son of Mexican immigrant parents, José Manuel was politicized within the rural migrant farmworker landscapes of central California. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of American Studies at UC Davis. Drawing on the work of Black, Latinx and…

Roderick A. Ferguson


Roderick A. Ferguson is currently the William Robertson Coe Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. He is the author of One-Dimensional Queer (Polity, 2019), We Demand: The University and Student Protests (University of California Press, 2017), The Reorder of Things: The University and Its Pedagogies of Minority Difference (University of Minnesota…

Dee Pha


Dee Pha is a proud Hmong American woman dedicated to fostering community connections and cultural appreciation. As a seasoned fundraiser, Dee channels her passion for community engagement into meaningful initiatives that uplift and empower others. With a background rooted in philanthropy, she orchestrates campaigns that catalyze positive change and strengthen bonds within diverse communities. Dee…

Academics Denounce Attempts to Shut Down the People’s Water Forum 2024 in Bali, Indonesia


20th May, 2024 Latest Alert: People’s Water Forum in Bali Intimidated and Forced to Disband: Repeated Practice of Silencing Freedom of Opinion at the Momentum of International Forums [Read the statement in Bahasa Indonesia and Spanish here. List of signatories are also included.] We, the undersigned, are writing to denounce recent efforts to suppress the…

William Amado Syldor-Severino


William Amado Syldor-Severino is the son of Haitian, Dominican, and Puerto Rican immigrants, born in a nexus of familial love and abuse, slave revolution, and ancestral systemic violence. He pulls from this history and those collective personal and communal experiences, in raising his son and navigating his current role as Assistant Dean of Transformative Justice…

Eden Torres


Eden Torres was Associate Professor of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies and Chicano and Latino Studies at the University of Minnesota with adjunct status in American Studies. Beginning college at the age of thirty-five, she received her Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Minnesota and taught in the College of Liberal Arts for…

Rose M. Brewer


Rose M. Brewer is an activist scholar and The Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor and past chairperson of the Department of African American & African Studies, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Brewer publishes extensively on Black feminism, political economy, social movements, race, class, gender and social change. Her books include the forthcoming Rod Bush: Lessons of…

Simi Kang


  Simi Kang is a Sikh American community advocate, educator, artist, and scholar whose work centers Asian American collaborative resistance as a site for imagining environmentally and economically just futures in Southeast Louisiana. In collaboration with Vietnamese and Cambodian American commercial fisherfolk, their community engagement and writing practices reject the imperative for structurally underserved communities…

Exodus from Ireland


Marwan Makhoul Hindi translation by Richa Nagar | Urdu translation by Abdul Aijaz & Gwendolyn Kirk I arrived in Ireland and my coat cried out:You’ve gone abroad, my friend, but left me at home!Perhaps it was an omen,for missiles were embracing over my familyin Galilee, when I weakened and accepted Annemarie’s invitation.I came to read…

آئرلینڈ سے داستانِ خروج


مروان مخول میں آئرلینڈ پہنچا تو میرا کوٹ چِلا یاتم تو چلے گئے ، صاحب!مجھے گھر بھول گئے!شاید وہ بد دعا تھیکیونکہ،جلیل میں میرے اہلِ خانہ کے اوپر میزائل بغل گیر تھےجب میں نے بادلِ نخواستہ قبول کیاینمری کی دعوتاور اپنی نظمیں سنانے آیا، یہاں،دور بیٹھے لوگوں کونظمیں، جنہیں سنتے ہی مقامی مترجم خیانت کر…

आयरलैंड से विदा


मरवान मख़ूल मैं आयरलैंड पहुंचा तो मेरा कोट चिल्ला उठा:तुम तो चले गए, मेरे दोस्त, लेकिन मुझे घर भूल गए!शायद वह संकेत था,क्योंकि मिसाइल मेरे परिवार को समेट रहे थेगैलिली में, जब मैंने कमज़ोर पड़ कर ऐनमरी की दावत क़बूल कर ली. मैं अपनी नज़्में सुनाने आया, यहाँ, दूर बैठे अपनों को,नज़्में, जिन्हें पहली बार…

Progressive South Asians Solidarity Statement for Bangladesh’s Student Protesters


21 July 2024 Progressive South Asians stand in solidarity with Bangladesh’s students who are protesting the quota system. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Bangladeshi government’s violent response to these peaceful protests, the communication blackout, and the ongoing curfew. The government’s repression has led to state forces murdering at least over 100 protesters in total as of…

The Red Muharram: An Ode to the Martyrs of July


Nironjon Artist’s Statement The Patriotic Olive green terror marching past the maimed corpses of the deceased after emptying barrels of 7.62mm and its genocidal appetite, pig sirens became our midnight lullabies while the drones & Helicopters dropping sound grenades as if we were not already deafened from the fallacious gibberish of news headlines. The balcony…

ধৈর্যশীল বিকল্পের খোলা চিঠি


৬ই আগস্ট ২০২৪ বা ৩৭ জুলাই ২০২৪ যেভাবেই বলি না কেন, ৩০ জন ব্যক্তির একটি কালেক্টিভ একটি খোলা চিঠির মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশের মানুষকে স্বৈরতন্ত্রের পতনের জন্য অভিনন্দন জানায় এবং এই নতুন বাংলাদেশকে বৈচিত্র্যময় লিঙ্গ ও যৌনতার মানুষেরা কীভাবে দেখতে চায় তার প্রস্তাবনা হাজির করে। ধৈর্য্যশীল বিকল্প একদল গবেষক ও এক্টিভিস্টদের সংঘ। অ্যাজিটেট! তাদের চিঠি ও দাবিগুলো…

Diverse Feminist Collective Open Letter


“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”― Audre Lorde “Everything that is experimented on the Hills will be implemented in the plain land.” —Kalpana Chakma Dear Reader, We are a newly formed collective of activists, artists, researchers, teachers, human rights defenders, and individuals from systematically…

আমাদের দেশ সংস্কারের স্বপ্নরেখা | Our Dreams for Reconstruction


তুমি কে? আমি কে? বিকল্প! বিকল্প!Who are you? Who am I? Change! Change! আমরা বাংলাদেশের নিম্ন-আয়ের, নন-বাইনারি এবং আদিবাসী কুইয়ার মানুষদের একটি সংগঠন। শিক্ষার্থী ও তরুণ হিসেবে বাংলাদেশের চলমান বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনের সাথে আমরা যুক্ত ছিলাম, আছি এবং থাকবো। বাংলাদেশকে ফ্যাসিবাদ মুক্ত করার এই ছাত্র-জনতা গণঅভ্যুত্থানে যারা আমাদের সাথে আছেন তাদের সকলকে আমরা সংহতি জানাই।…

Jade Wong


I am a multidisciplinary artist whose work examines themes of diasporic identity and resisting environmental injustice through painting, text, digital media, and installation. I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, to two immigrants from Southern China. Though I did not grow up with many resources or guidance, I somehow found myself at a liberal…

Who Makes Us


Jade Wong Using dialogue and visuals, “Who Makes Us,” a 9-minute piece which invites viewers into a conversation between two college friends: myself, a child of Chinese immigrants, and Kiara, an immigrant from the Philippines. Through this conversation, we explore themes of invisible labor, motherhood, and community. The first part of the video focuses on…

AGITATE! Celebrates Professor Shailaja Paik’s Recognition as a MacArthur Fellow!


TRANSLATIONS: ARABIC | BANGLA | CROATIAN | HINDI | MALAYALAM | MARATHI | SPANISH | TAMIL | TELEGU    “By studying the inequalities and the dehumanization of people, we can provide new ways to think about universal humanity and universal emancipation.” This agitational insight comes from the historian Shailaja Paik, whose ingenious, creative, and rigorous…

AGITATE! साजरा करीत आहे! प्रा. शैलजा पाईक यांची मॅकआर्थर फेलो म्हणून झालेली निवड


“वैश्विक मानवता आणि वैश्विक मुक्ती या बाबत विचार करण्याच्या नव्या वाटा आपण लोकांच्या अमानुषीकरणाची प्रक्रिया आणि असमानतांचा अभ्यास करून देऊ शकतो.”   हि संघर्षमय अंतर्दृष्टी इतिहासकार शैलजा पाईक यांनी मांडली आहे, ज्यांनी दलित स्त्रियांच्या जीवनावरील अभ्यासांतून आधुनिक भारतातील जात, लिंगभाव, लैंगिकता यांचा इतिहास अतिशय एतत्देशिय, सर्जनशील आणि काटेकोर पद्धतीने मांडला आहे, आणि त्यातून सिमान्तिकीकरण झालेल्या…

أجيتايت! تحتفل بحصول الأستاذة شايلاجا بايك على زمالة ماك آرثر


  .”من خلال دراسة عدم المساواة وإزالة الصفة الإنسانية عن البشر، يمكننا تقديم طرق جديدة للتفكر في الإنسانية العالمية والتحرر العالمي” تأتي هذه الرؤية التحريضية من المؤرخة شايلاجا بايك، التي أدت تحقيقاتها البارعة والمبدعة والدقيقة في تاريخ الطوائف الاجتماعية والجندر والجنسانية في الهند الحديثة من خلال حياة نساء الداليت، إلى تحويل أساليب البحث والكتابة في…

অ্যাজিটেট! অধ্যাপক শাইলাজা পাইকের ম্যাকআর্থার ফেলো স্বীকৃতি নিয়ে অত্যন্ত গর্বিত!


“মানুষের প্রতি বৈষম্য এবং অমানবিক আচরণ অধ্যয়ন করে, আমরা বৈশ্বিক মানবতা এবং সার্বজনীন মুক্তির বিষয়ে নতুনভাবে চিন্তা করার সুযোগ তৈরি করতে পারি।”  এই আন্দোলনমুখী দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিটি আমরা ইতিহাসবিদ শাইলাজা পাইকের কাছ থেকে পেয়েছি। তিনি দলিত নারীদের জীবনকে কেন্দ্র করে আধুনিক ভারতে জাত, লিঙ্গ, এবং যৌনতার ইতিহাস নিয়ে তার মেধাবী, সৃজনশীল ও কঠোর গবেষণার মাধ্যমে ক্ষমতার কাঠামো…

एजिटेट! की तरफ़ से प्रोफ़ेसर शैलजा पाइक को उनकी 2024 मैकआर्थर फ़ेलोशिप पर दिली मुबारकबाद!


“लोगों के बीच मौजूद असमानताओं और उनके अमानवीयकरण का अध्ययन करके हमें सार्वभौमिक मानवता और सर्वजन मुक्ति के बारे में सोचने के लिए नयी नज़र और तरीक़े मिलते हैं।”   यह आंदोलनकारी अंतर्दृष्टि हमें मिलती है इतिहासकार शैलजा पाइक से, जिन्होंने दलित महिलाओं के जीवन में उतर कर आधुनिक भारत के जाति, लिंग और यौनिकता…