Marijana Hameršak

Marijana Hameršak is a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb and a titular Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb. Her areas of research are migration, children’s literature and book history. She is the author of the book Pričalice: o povijesti djetinjstva i bajke (Taletellers: the History of Childhood and Fairy Tale, Zagreb, 2011) and co-author of the book Uvod u dječju književnost (Introduction to Children’s Literature, with Dubravka Zima, Zagreb, 2015). She has co-edited several edited collections, with the most recent one being Formation and Disintegration of the Balkan Refugee Corridor (with Emina Bužinkić, 2018). Recently, she also co-edited movements special issue The Frontier Within: The European Border Regime in the Balkans (with Barbara Beznec, Sabine Hess, Andrej Kurnik, Marc Speer and Marta Stojić Mitrović, 2020) and published the book Frakture dječje književnosti (Children’s Literature Fractures, 2021). She is currently engaged at the research project The European Irregularized Migration Regime in the Periphery of the EU: from Ethnography to Keywords (ERIM 2020-2024). She closely collaborates with different academic and activist groups and initiatives in the field.

AGITATE! Content by Marijana Hameršak

The Passage