Emina Bužinkić


Emina writes, facilitates, and walks barefoot at the intersections of migration, transnational solidarities, and feminist pedagogies. She engages deeply with anti-militarist, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist praxes, grounded in migrants’ daily struggles for freedom and in the epistemes of transnational and decolonial feminism, critical border activism, and collective knowledge production. She is part of AGITATE! Unsettling Knowledges…

A. Revathi


A. Revathi is transfeminist activist, writer and a crusader for LGBTIQA+ community in India. Her books The Truth About Me, A life in trans activism and Our Bodies Our Selves (Unarvum Uruvamum) are pioneering works on trans lives.  Her career as a writer won her a place on the Columbia University Butler Library banner.  She finds theatre a powerful art form.

Pedram Baldari


Kurdish-Iranian born, sculptor, architect and interdisciplinary artist, working in installation, site specific, performance art, social practice, and sculpture. Pedram is based in between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Denton/Dallas, Texas. He has been featured in numerous national and international solo and group art exhibitions since 2010 such as the Victoria and Albert museum, London 2012, Documenta 13th…

Tahmina Sobat


Tahmina Sobat is a women’s human rights lawyer from Afghanistan. She obtained a law degree from the Herat University of Afghanistan in 2015. Through the FPJRA scholarship, she earned her LLM degree in International Human Rights Law from the University of Notre Dame in 2020. She received a master’s degree in Gender and Women Studies…

Humera Afridi


Humera Afridi is a 2021 recipient of the Robert and Ina Caro Travel/Research Fellowship and a 2017 NYFA Gregorgy Millard Artist Fellow in Nonfiction Literature. She earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from New York University. Humera is a former fellow of the Asian American Writers Association and a former Fiction Fellow at The Writers Institute.…

Emily Mitamura


Emily Mitamura is a poet and scholar of race, gender, and film. She is currently the Shauna M. Stark Pembroke Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender Studies at Brown University. They received their PhD in political theory at the University of Minnesota, working closely with Gender, Women, Sexuality Studies, Asian American Studies, and the Critical Race and…

Sowmya Ramanathan


Sowmya Ramanathan is a visiting faculty member of Hispanic Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at William & Mary. As a researcher and educator, her work makes transnational connections between feminist theories and cultural practices in the 20th and 21st century Americas. She adopts a hemispheric approach to studying the role of…

Sangtin Kisan Mazdoor Sangathan (SKMS)


Sangtin Kisan Mazdoor Sangathan (SKMS) is a people’s movement in Sitapur District of Uttar Pradesh in India. It emerged from Sangtin, a group formed by rural women to enable them to shape the processes of development at all levels. The SKMS saathis or members are mainly marginal farmers or landless laborers in rural Sitapur. More…

Matheus Caetano


Matheus Caetano is an undergraduate student of Anthropology at the University of Brasilia. He does research in the area of ​​ethnobiography and is interested in the relations between psychology, literature and anthropology.

Nithya Rajan


Nithya is a writer and researcher from Kerala, India who now lives in San Diego, California. She has a PhD from the Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota, and currently works as postdoctoral fellow there. Her research looks at the lives of refugee women in Delhi and the ways…

Anna Selmeczi


Anna Selmeczi is a lecturer and the programme convener of the Masters in Southern Urbanism at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town. Her work is grounded in social and political theory, and focuses on the connections between orders of knowledge and urban spaces, and how various forms of popular politics contest and transform these…

Nick Kleese


Nick Kleese is an Iowa farm kid turned literacy educator. Nick is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Editor at Climate Lit, Co-Founder of KidLitLab!, and an inaugural member of the Whippoorwill YA Award: an award recognizing rural representation in young adult literature. He has taught…

Vaishnavi Kollimarla


Vaishnavi is a performer and a MA/PhD student at the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She is interested in exploring how performance is an important way of knowing, a pedagogy, and a medium through which we could explore questions of ethically co-existing with one another, in a world fraught…

साहिल कबीर | Sahil Kabir


समाजातील अल्पसंख्य, वंचित तसेच नाकारलेल्या समाजघटकांच्या जगण्यातील अगतीकता, कोंडमारा व त्यांच्याकडे पाहण्याचा समाजाचा, शासनप्रशासनाचा दृष्टीकोन याचे यथार्थ चित्रण उभे करणारा तरूण लेखक म्हणून साहिल कबीर ओळखले जातात. विद्यापीठीय अभ्यासक्रमात निवडक साहित्याचा समावेश करण्यात आलेला आहे. फॉर्मलेस, सविनय अस्वस्थ, कथागत आणि सोलोकोरस हे प्रकाशित साहित्य.

Ana Cláudia São Bernardo


Ana Cláudia São Bernardo (she, her, hers) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Studies at Providence College. In 2020-2021 she held the position of Zemurray-Stone postdoctoral fellow in Brazilian Studies at the Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University. She has an MA and PhD in Lusophone Literatures,…